Saturday, July 12, 2014

"I'm hovering to death!"

^^^^ That's an example of the joy of teaching your companion English. Another is "finger foot".

This week was beautiful, as always. We went to the temple. Lots of revelation. 

We've been praying so hard for referrals, because that is our biggest lack in our area (because there are only a few members that live in our area) but this week we had a ton of miracles and got member referrals from other wards! We just talked to members on the jeep coming from stake conference and they know people in our area and boom referral. It's awesome and it's a great way to see how God is answering our sincere prayers. 

I know my english is weird in this email. My brain is tired and I don't want to try to be right because I woke up early and haven't eaten yet. 

This morning I woke up too early because they made me go to Manila and get fingerprinted again. I think this means they lost my first ones... Which is why i say to you that I don't know if my exit visa will come in time. Sister Stucki told me that she and President Stucki still haven't gotten their exit visa and they go home in two weeks. Harrrr harr. My arrival is a mystery for you.

This week, everyone was sick. Two of the families we are teaching were at the hospital on Sunday and weren't able to come to church. That will delay their baptism. It's sad, but I'm trusting in the Lord's timing and I know that if we strengthen our faith, we will continue to see miracles in our area. 

We had an awesome stake conference when Elder Quentin L. Cook presided (over broadcast). It was great. It was like General Conference but all the talks were directed to Filipinos. There was a strong focus on families and it was really great for the people we're teaching. 

I think this is it for now. I really am too weak from hunger to upload pictures but there are many from our temple trip. Stay tuned for next week. Love you!

ster mech

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